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Sat, 29 Aug 1998 05:57:29 -0500
Steven Houchen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
When I first got my little fuzzies, I knew it was going to be work.  When
I read about every one else's little fuzzy, my ferrets seem to be so bad.
Well at least one of them.  I keep working with them.  I keep giving them
all of my attention, which is quit a bit.  Josh, the oldest one, when I
first got my ferrets, Josh, was litter trained.  He has been going to the
litter box.  Now all of a sudden he won't use it.  I haven't changed
anything, I just keep cleaning at least once a day.  Now he well only go in
three places on my carpet in the living room.  I keep cleaning them up and
putting stuff down so that it won't smell like a ferret potty.  No matter
what I do he just keeps doing it.  So I put him in the cage to see and he
only uses the newspaper in the corner.  I have tried treats, putting him
in the litter box every 15 minutes.  That is the only problem that he has
besides that all he does is sleep besides when he eats.  He will be up
about 15 - 20 minutes at a time once to three times a day.  Is that common.
I figured that he would play more.  Ed, the younger ferret, he is the
devil.  He digs at the carpets.  He keeps trying to jump over the hallway
gate.  It is currently 2'2" tall and he still managers to jump up, grasp
the top and barely pull himself over.  At least he goes potty in the cage,
it may not be the litter box, but it is on the newspapers.  Good enough for
me.  I try everything with them.  Ignoring them, punishing them, nothing
violent just a small slap to the nose, I have got them to stop biting
however.  But if any one has any help tips or solutions for me.  I would be
so glad and I will try anything now.  I love my ferrets and I will try to
make them improve.  Also they don't seem to be to cuddly.  I always hear
about how other people's ferrets will sit in their lap or will play with
their owners.  IS this also common of ferrets?  Well my ferrets don't.
They don't even play with the toys that I have gotten them.  They do play
with the homemade ones of course.  Also if anyone has any ideas for toys,
that would also be gladly appreciated.  If any one has answer, suggestions,
tips, or what ever else you can come up with, I would definitely like to
hear them and that would be such a great help.
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Steven Houchen
[Posted in FML issue 2416]