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Thu, 27 Aug 1998 07:25:37 -0500
"Phyllis A. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi.  I thought I would update all my friends on how Faith is doing.  It took
her and Hope to the vet.  Faith's blood sugar was 157 and she has put on
more weight than she originally lost.  The vet told me to continue what ever
I was doing except to leave out the A/D in her duck soup.  I also her check
Faith's mouth since she isn't eating any thing hard, but her mouth is fine.
The vet said that Faith's teeth were a little yellow, but that was from the
duck soup.
Hope is showing symptoms of insulinoma also so the vet took a blood panel
and CBC.  Her blood panel came back normal.  Her blood sugar was 145.  They
send out the CBC so I will get the results tomorrow (they are closed today).
Dr. Lennex said that just because her blood sugar was normal doesn't mean
that Hope doesn't have insulinoma, just the she cannot diagnose it as
insulinoma.  She is a worried about the big C word since there was a time
that Hope's had something high (sorry I cannot remember the name) in the
CBC that points to cancer.  I am praying that it is just insulinoma and not
cancer.  Al least with insulinoma, I know she can have a normal ferret life
for up to two years.
I did start feeding Hope the duck soup on Mon.  and have noticed a
difference in her activity and alertness since starting it.  Dr. Lennex said
to continue giving her the soup and treat her as if she has insulinoma.
Now that I have two on duck soup I have a question.  Can you refrigerate the
duck soup rather than freeze it if you do not put Pedialyte or Sustical Plus
or the like in it.  I put ground Totally Ferret, 1 jar chicken baby food,
water, ferretone, Timmy's tonic, brewers yeast, liquid chromium, lecithin,
vitamin E, papaya tablets and liquid multiple vitamins.
I will greatly appreciate hear from you on your thoughts on this subject.
I would like to make enough to refrigerate one week and freeze one week.  I
have limited freezer space and I figure others do to.  I am having to have
a friend watch Faith and hopefully Hope while I am gone to Florida for my
nephews wedding.  I am going to be gone for two weeks.
I am so sorry about the deaths of so many of our little one.  My prayers
are with there owners and the fuzzies they left behind, and all those sick
little fuzzies and there owners out there.
Phyllis and the four Wigglies, Faith, Hope, Charrity and Generosity
[Posted in FML issue 2414]