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Sat, 22 Aug 1998 01:28:43 -0700
Chrystal <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Ray wrote:
>So we walk in and see a guy at the counter that recognizes me from the
>phone.  He shows me a cage full of kits that were for sale.  I immediately
>saw the cutest one and picked it up.  The guy picked her out of my and
>looked her over.  She bit him, he put her up to his mouth and nipped right
>back at it.
From the description of where you bought your ferret and the "biting"
experience, I know exactly where and from who you bought it.  I, too got
my first ferret, a seven week old, beautiful ferret from him.  I, too was
shown the biting technique.  I could not bring myself to do it though.  I
will honestly say that my husband tried it, and when Bozlo bit him back
even harder, we decided on a different technique.  More than likely your
kit is biting just because it is a kit and that is just what they do, like
kittens, puppies, etc.  You need to train her not to nip.  I used to say
"OUCH" really loudly when Bozlo bit, or "NO!" in a tone of voice that was
different when I was loving and playing with him.  I noticed when he had
lots and lots of playtime with me that he bit less than when he played just
by himself.  It was not until he was about 12-14 weeks old that he stopped
the really hard biting.  He now will occasionally still nip, but it is more
of a "drive-by" tag you are it nip.  He wants to play.  He will also nip
my toes in the middle of the night while I am trying to sleep and then war
dance all over the bed wanting to play.  I have come to believe that his
nipping is more affection than anything else as it is not hard.  My other
six ferrets never nip, unless I choose to play roughly with them on their
terms and then I am asking for it.  Good luck with your little one!  The
ferret I bought from him is my "prettiest" although he is definitely my
Chrystal Eshelman
My Email:  [log in to unmask]
My Webpage:  http://www.pe.net/~chrystal/
My ICQ Pager # 5214020
[Posted in FML issue 2409]