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Sat, 22 Aug 1998 10:03:32 -0400
Pamela Hewitt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
>From:    Brandy Jean Ashmore <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Help!! They won't leave my bed alone.
>I have tried pepper, sewing a patch, nailing a board (They made a new hole
>and I don't have anymore wood), I have stuffed it with clothe, put heavy
>things in front.
>If anyone has any ideas, I would be grateful.  I hate to cage the babies,
>but I am currently living with parents so this is there room.
Mine were doing the same with my brand new very expenseive bed, and were
using it as a nest.  As I got this bed around the time I got mt second
ferret it was also a very desirable place to claim as territory.  Boy the
squeaks!  My other half was home during one such rucus ( must have been a
bad one) and tore the bed apart, shook out the ferrets and their toys and
called me in desperation!  What we did was take a fitted sheet and "made
the bed" upside down.  So, the enrire bottom of the bed ( the boxspring)
is covered in a sheet and the ferrets haven't been able to get back in!
Good luck!
Pamela with DiDi and Io
Pamela   with DiDi & Io
[Posted in FML issue 2409]