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Fri, 21 Aug 1998 10:05:31 EDT
Catherine Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I got an e-mail from Kimberly Marsh today.  Seems the Provo City Police told
Kimberly that there still might be a law on the books that says that it is
illegal to own ferrets within the city limits of Provo.  Wouldn't that be
great?  Somehow try to turn the victim into the guilty one?  I'm not saying
that is happening.  I just think that is a terrible thing to say to someone
who is hurting.  I can't decide if she was trying to help her or not.  I
need to find out tomorrow if that is true.
Kimberly is overwhelmed by the messages of support and tribute from
everyone.  You are truly great people!
On another, more aggravating note.  I have personally seen many letters that
were going to the editors of the SLC/Provo newpapers.  While I can't speak
for the Provo paper since I haven't seen it, I know for a fact that not one,
including my own, has been published in the Salt Lake Tribune.  That really,
really makes me angry.  It's like they are trying to ignore us.  I encourage
everyone who can to write the paper and make our dissatisfaction known.
Stuff about polygamy and the Mormon Church, both pro and con, makes this
section.  They print things on these subjects from people out of state.  I
guess a little ferrets sensless beating and his mother's ongoing persecution
isn't "newsworthy" enough for them.  I don't know about you guys, but that
really has my toga in a knot.
Keep up all the good work, everyone.  Kimberly really, really appreciates
it.  She wanted me to tell you that she is trying to answer everyone as
quickly as she can.  She is having trouble getting some postcards and things
to come up on her computer.  I will call her later and see if I can help.
Oh, and the trial date for these scum bags that murdered Bandit is August
24th.  (Thanks Ronnie for the info!)  Let's all say our prayers to whatever
diety or belief system that we each hold that they must pay for Bandit's
murder and his mother's agony.
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie
"Mad At Possible Sensorship Behind The Zion Curtain......"
[Posted in FML issue 2408]