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Wed, 19 Aug 1998 13:53:28 -0600
Jason Poole <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Thanks again for all of you that have sent cards to Sammy.  The vet said
that the entire door, that leads into the critical care ward, is covered
with cards.  I wish that I could find the words that would fully express the
feeling of thankfulness and humility that I feel but I can't think of any
words that can accurately express my feelings.  So I will just say "Thank
Sammy seems to be doing a little better.  The results from the chest tap
came back.  The pathologist found no infection and also no cancer cells.
At face value that seems good except that now the vet is perplexed.  Dr.
Breitweiser wasn't completely sure if the liquid that was taken in the chest
tap came from inside the lung or outside the lung wall.  Sammy still has a
collapsed lung.  The vet said that his one lung has cleaned out and there is
no longer any evidence that there is still liquid in the lung.  Sammy is no
longer having a hard time breathing.  That is the good news.  The bad news
is that Sammy's lymph nodes are large, there is no obvious reason for
Sammy's collapsed lung, and Sammy also quit eating.  The vet had been
feeding Sammy Hill's A/D (which Sammy likes) by administering it in a
feeding syringe.  But about 48 hours ago Sammy quit eating and they had to
force feed him.  Finally yesterday he started licking the Hills again.  At
the time of this writing, I haven't spoken to the vet today to find out how
he is this morning.
Dr. Breitweiser is going to be going to the big Nation Wide Exotic Vet
conference that will last all of next week.  If I remember right, she said
that the main focus of this conference is birds.  Since she is not going to
be around next week, I am going to be picking up Sammy this weekend (if
everything goes as planned).  I will pick up all the supplies that will be
necessary to sustain Sammy when I pick him up.  I will be taught how to give
fluids Sub-Q and also get all the supplies necessary to do so.
Dr. Breitweiser has switched Sammy from Dexamethasone to Predisone.  She
also has Sammy on a couple other meds.  My plan is to get Sammy on Timmy's
Tonic, Colloidal Silver, and Chromium this next week.  By all appearances
it looks like Sammy's Insulinoma has metastasized and spread throughout his
little body.  The only way to know for sure is to operate and he would not
survive an operation in his current condition.  He may not be with us much
longer.  My goal is to be with him when he passes and to make his remaining
days, here on Earth, filled with as more love and caring that any ferret has
EVER received!  (And with as much love as we give out kids, that is going
to be wonderful challenge.  <grin> )
I am in the process of acquiring a baby carrier that will allow me to have
Sammy against my chest all day.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to
spoil a sick little ferret, please send them.
Thanks again for all of the prayers and thoughts that have been sent Sammy's
way.  They are more appreciated then words can say.
Your friend,
Jason, Sammy, Doris, and Buddy
ICQ # 7528859 (Sammy's Dad)
ICQ - www.icq.com
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[Posted in FML issue 2407]