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Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:56:54 EDT
Catherine Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Just wanted to tell everyone that I had the pleasure of speaking to Kimberly
Marsh last evening.  The poor woman has been and is going through Hell over
this.  She lost her job because she was unable to go to work because she was
so upset.  They told her "Bandit was not considered a family member."   I
thought that was really cruel and heartless.  To top it all off, one of her
kitties who was being treated for an illness passes away.  One horror on top
of another!
I have forwarded, and am forwarding, all the wonderful tributes everyone
has been sending to her e-mail address.  I know they will mean a lot to
her.  I also told her about the FML.  I hope she has signed up!
She told me that the City Prosecutor's office said that this case has gotten
the most public publicity of any they have had!  (Kimberly, did I get that
correct!) Keep up the good work everyone!!!!!
Those awful people that killed Bandit and really trying to make life rough
for her and the witness that saw what they did to Bandit.  It was truly
awful!  They blame her for them being in trouble.  (They didn't do anything,
did they, the poor innocent lambs......what SCUM!) When her friend, the
witness, runs into them they try to indimidate her, etc.  It is truly awful.
I guess, if I understood correctly, that the police are adding these things
to the charges that are already being brought against them.  Somehow, that
doesn't seem to be enough to me.  What does everyone else think?  Then,
people have been sending her bibles with things taken out of context,
underlined, telling her she will go to Hell cause of her lifestyle choices.
Can you guys believe that?  I think it's terrible!  Somehow, I don't think
that Christ told us to Judge other people.  Wasn't that he and his Father's
job?  At least that's how I thought!
I will continue to try to keep everyone posted on what is going on.  I do
so hope that Kimberly joins us on the FML.  She could really use this right
Thanks, everyone!
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie
"Behind the Zion Curtain"
[Posted in FML issue 2405]