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Thu, 13 Aug 1998 09:16:54 -0400
text/plain (35 lines)
>From:    Sandra King <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sick fuzzies
>...I am beginning to panic, because as I understand it, ferrets with a
>preexisting medical condition fare far worse with ECE than those without
>preexisting problems.  She is showing the first signs of ECE(?)--greenish
>puffy poop.  ... The problem is that I have to work and can only feed three
>times per day--once at 6:30 a.m., once at 4:30 p.m. and again at 12:00 a.m.
>Is that going to be enough for an insulinomic ferret with ECE(?) ?  I am
>already frazzled by having to deal with *one* ferret that won't eat, and it
>takes about 1/2 hour to get him to eat 30 cc's of food.  What happens when
>the other 7 get it?
I am no expert by any means, but I do have a few suggestions.  I have three
ferrets that were all sick at the same time, requiring feeding.
First, I don't know how you are feeding yours, but if it's by a dropper,
maybe you should try from a spoon.  If you measure it into a bowl you can
do it that way.  I don't know about anyone else's ferts, but mine do much
better with a spoon than with the syringe.  (unless you have to force feed)
Second, maybe you know someone who ferret sits, or can come over during the
day to feed and check them?  Or since you work in a pet hospital (?), maybe
you would be allowed to bring them, and feed them on your break.  If you put
them in a pet carrier, and keep them away from other animals... Although
some things are air transmitted, so I don't know.  It's just a thought.
Hope your little ones are doing well, soon.
Lyss and the Fab 5
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ICQ #14525964
[Posted in FML issue 2400]