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Thu, 13 Aug 1998 21:12:48 -0400
Richard & Teresa Lombardi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi Everyone,
Well, I went and got a second opinion about Sequoia's blood glucose being at
57.  The vet, Dr. Lightfoot, who did Sequoia's adrenal surgery and found the
tumor on his pancreas, said he needs to start on prednisone :( She said that
he did pretty good going 10 months after the surgery without meds.  I went
and picked the prednisone up at my local vet tonight.  He left it outside
the office for me so I can start him right away.  I noticed that Sequoia
keeps doing a chewing motion when he's not eating and rubs his face on the
floor.  I gave him his first pill about 15 minutes ago.  He fought it, he
hates taking pills, but he hates the liquid worst (he had the liquid after
surgery) I managed to get it down him though, with a little Ferretone
On a somewhat lighter note.... Beware of hidden land mines!!!  I put a rug
down by the litter boxes in the hallway because we live in an apt.  and they
seem to get close to the box without getting exactly in it.  I'm sure some,
if not all of you, know what I mean.  Anyway, I was picking up the rug this
morning to get it out of the way, because one of the maintenance people were
coming to recharge the AC, when I put my hand right into a
poopie...eeeeww... it was hidden and I think I heard the fuzzies laughing at
me :) So beware, a poopie can be hidden anywhere.
Dooks to All,
Teresa & the Fur-tastic Five
Sequoia, Enoch, Callisto, Nemesis, & Gizmo
and our fur angel Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2400]