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Wed, 3 Jan 1996 11:36:08 -0700
JOSEPHINE HANSEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Hello everyone!  as always i sit and enjoy reading the FML, (for the most
part) my heart goes out to all of you who have sick ferrets and to you who
have lost them, i can very well understand the pain , i have had lots of
animals horses dogs birds etc, but nothing hurt me so bad as when Truls
went trhough his surgery for intestinal blockage, there is something very
particular about the feelings between ferret and its human mom/dad, it
breaks my heart, i wish you all the best and keep you in my thoughts.
i also would like to comment on lipinskis "bonding procedures" i wrote a
post that was rejected by BIG (i cant say that i blame you, of course ) so
i will keep it under control .IT seems to me that a ferret tied up outside
instinct would be to hide from dangers and try to keep warm.  to me that is
nothing but CRUELTY to animals, they dont have any choice or any way to
prevent this , but can only deal with it the only way they know how... if i
would to put my dog out on a field or such and tie him up, leave him alone
and get him the next day he would react the same way, showing submission any
way he knew how, and be very grateful to be back indoors, that doesn't mean
that i have cured any behavioral problems he may have had, but simply broken
down his spirit!  i've seen enough beaten and misstreated animals and it is
amazing the loyalty and submission they give in return, even children react
the same way!!!  that does'nt mean it is how we should treat any living
creature!!  i dont suppose that anything i say will change lipinskis ways,
thit is my opinion, but i just think it is so sad.
to get of the subject i also would like to know how i could get Truls back
up to his normal chubby self again, after his surgery he eats less than he
used to, i dont want to give a lot of treats to increase his weight, becouse
it seems that he just doesn't have a lot of apetite, and i dont want him to
substitute his food with treats, i give them a few drops daily of ferretone
mixed with virgin olive oil ( 1 part ferretone 3 parts oil) i read somewhere
this was good..?  and 1-2 times a week a little petromalt.  Liza has always
been a slim lady, but she too is eating less, could it be natural summer
behavior?  any advice would be most welcome, in fact that LUMP recipy has me
curious, but if any of you know what to do to increase their weight, and
promote their apetite please let me know.  also i have heard many different
opinions regarding giving baths to keep their odor down, but i have to say
that they seem to smell stronger after their baths than they did before, i
usually give them baths/earcleaning when they seem to need it usually every
4-5 weeks unless they have been into a mess.  nail klipping 7-10 days, i am
probably weird thinking that i like the way they smell!!!  Also a reason for
all these cancer problems might be the heating process in the food +
preservatives that are being used in all foods including ours, i dont really
see what could be done about that (and then this is my theory) but i know
that some herbal remedies could be usefull in treating virus and some virus
related cancers , anybody know about how ferrets react to herbal treatments?
do they have any intolerance against some herbs?
so greatful for this FML anyone out there who lives in Las Vegas...??
please send me an e-mail , also i dont have a lot of money but i would be
happy to help out at a shelter in Vegas anyway i could, cleaning cages,
caring playing and loving etc.
loving Dooks
[Posted in FML issue 2400]