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Thu, 13 Aug 1998 21:52:37 EDT
Catherine Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Hello everyone.  I spoke with the Provo City prosecutor's office today.
Each of the two men that beat poor Bandit to death are being charged with 2
counts each of "Aggravated Cruelty to Animals." Although they were very nice
when I called, I was very frustrated because it looks to me like these two
heathens will probably do little if any jail time out of this.  I could be
wrong, and it certainly wouldn't be the first time, I guarantee.
Little Bandit's human Mommy's name, according to the Salt Lake Tribune
article, is Kimberly Marsh.  I could not get a listing for Ms. Marsh.  At
the suggestion of Ronnie D., I would like to start a tribute for little
Bandit.  Perhaps the City Prosecutor's office would be willing to pass on
our condolences and thoughts to Ms. Marsh.  What do you all think?  I
certainly can't think they would release her name and/or address/phone
number, but perhaps forward anything we might send.  Just a thought.  I am
sure she is hurting so.  Everytime I look at my four babies faces, I think
of this horrible thing that happened so close to where we live.  And Ms.
Marsh is right.  "What is next?" Will my little daughter need to live in
fear that someone might not like her last name or her skin color and come
and hurt her or her pets.  Or God knows what else?
I would like to ask that everyone who feels so inclined contact the Provo
City Prosecutor's office and let them know the outrage that we, the ferret
community, feel over this horrible event.  Be nice and courteous, we don't
want them to think of us as a bunch of nuts or wackos.  The address is:
(There are several, so address it general as they don't know will be
assigned the case yet, if I understand correctly.)
Provo City Prosecutors Office
351 West Center Street
Provo, UT 84604
(801) 852-6140
Thanks everyone.  And please hug and kiss your fuzzies an extra time
tonight, and think of poor little Bandit who is waiting for his Mommy and
cagemates at the Rainbow Bridge.
Catherine, Pato, Snowball, Hubert and Elsie Garcia
"Sad Behind The Zion Curtain, and still sending prayers for Bandit and his
[Posted in FML issue 2400]