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Wed, 12 Aug 1998 23:09:22 EDT
Kristin Assenheimer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Y'all may remember me.  I bought a male kit that I named D'Artagnan Alani
about four months ago.  Well, one month later, ferret math hit me when I
gazed into the eyes of a beautiful sterling silver male kit.  I couldn't
resist.  So now we have D'Artagnan Alani and Dimitri Apollo.
Dimitri was so tiny when I bought him that I brought him to the vet the next
day to get checked out.  Sure enough, wouldn't you know it?  The adorable
little guy was only 4 weeks old instead of the 6-8 weeks that MF claimed him
to be.  (How old are they when they're neutered over there?  Two days?!
Good Lord!) I kept them both on Science Diet kitten food softened with water
for a couple weeks then slowly weaned them to the solid food.
So, now, D'Art is about 5 1/2 mos and Dimitri is about 4 mos.  I've noticed
that Dimitri is still quite a bit smaller that D'Art (about 3-4 inches) and
his coat isn't as luxurious as D'Art's is becoming, although both of them
have hearty appetites and play quite a bit.  When will Dimitri's outer coat
be coming in?
Also, I've noticed they've been sneezing (that kind of cough/sneeze that
ferrets have) more than usual and they've been scratching (they don't have
any fleas, I promise).  Any ideas on how to help them with this?  I'm
thinking the scratching is from dry skin (?) but how do I avoid this?  I
bathe them about once every 3 weeks.
Finally, Dimitri is alot more skittish than D'Artagnan is....whenever
someone goes to pick him up, he runs away backwards.  Anything I can do to
fix this?
Kris -- the pre-vet major
Rex the golden retriever -- "SIGH... why are they climbing on me NOW???"
Smokey the queen of the household-- "Get those smelly things away from me,
a 90 year old should not have to deal with them!"
Amber the black and white terror -- "HA HA, Dimitri! You can't get me when
I'm on top of the fridge!!"
D'Artagnan -- "YES!!!! It's time for hide and seek! Let's scare the heck
out of Mommy!"
Dimitri -- "NO FAIR!!! Mommy, make Amber come down and play with me!"
[Posted in FML issue 2399]