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Tue, 11 Aug 1998 23:47:56 -0700
text/plain (38 lines)
This Is Whimsical and I have moved!!!! and alas I could only find this
address to send my request too!!  Please send me the FML!!!
[OK, changed your address.  BIG]
Also a few questions.... now that I am far from CaCaland I have <<waiting
for me to bring home that is >> a brand new baby fuzzbutt, well he is new
to us that is.
I know about the importence good foods and litter for him but I have a few
questions too.  In the books I have read << and I have read... ALOT!!!!!!
on ferrets>> I have made a list of things I need for this newest addition
to the family so here are my questions.
Hairball Laxitive: How often << if need be >> do I use this stuff and how
Ear Cleaning: same question, how often and such??
Nail Clipping: How long should they get before I need to clip them??
Where is the best place to find Bitter Apple.  Have asked around but haven't
been able to find it yet.
We only have the one right now and I KNOW that it will be only time before
ferret math kicks in so how long should we wait before introducing a new
brother/sister to our first baby??
How often do we wash bedding and the fuzzbutts themselves, I have seen so
many different opinins on this one so I have to ask anyways!!!  Is baby
shampoo alright to use or do I need to get a ferret only shampoo??
Whimsical/ Sandy
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[Posted in FML issue 2398]