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Mon, 10 Aug 1998 01:11:45 -0700
outlawdook <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi everyone (you too BIG),
It's been a long, long since I have posted.  I just wanted everyone to have
an update on the 2 little girls in the Church yard.  They were severely
under weight, but were still so vibrant.  To look in their eyes and see
glowing thanks, God had to have sent them to this special Human Angel.
After meeting this Angel, I knew we were right.  One was PV and the other
unmarked.  One was dark chocolate and the other dark sable with some white
guard hairs on back legs.  The unmarked one had her canines slightly shaved
down to prevent sharp bite wounds.  It was totally unnecessary.  Both girls
are the sweetest of hearts.  I placed them with a very nice lady.  They
have been to the vet for checkups and so far so good, besides being so
under weight and dehydrated.  I cared for them for a few days and they were
so funny.  Hiding food, then eating, hiding food, then eating.  When they
realized the food was there to stay they stopped hoarding and started
playing.  I was so amazed at their energy level.  I think the girls are
young enough to be able to make a strong recovery.  I will pass along from
time to time how they are.  Thank God for Human Angels and my dear Masked
savior, or I wouldn't have had the pleasure of spending a few days with
these little Angel Ferrets in the ole' Land of CaCa.
I hope all the little sick ones out there are getting well and the ones who
are well stay well.  Until next time.
Dooks and Dances,
The Outlaws of CaCaLand
[Posted in FML issue 2397]