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Fri, 24 Jul 1998 22:19:37 PDT
Carrie Moore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
This is Carrie, the new ferret owner, and I posted a question about dooking
and chuckling, because my ferrets simply don't.
Thank you all for all the replies!!!  It's wonderful to know that there is
such a willing-to-help community of friends online.
I'm off to Chicago now, so I won't have access to a computer for a week
(that's a lot of backlogged fml's!!!), and I (almost) tearfully left my
fuzzies at a friend's today, along with a 7-page note on EVERYTHING they
could POSSIBLY need to know!!  (along with Correct Stool Consistency!!)
They laughed at me, but they also read it, which was the important thing.
Neither seemed too sad to see me go, being in an exciting new place and all,
but I'm sure they'll be glad to see me when I get back (I know I'll be glad
to see them!)
Thank you everyone for all your help thus far!  See everyone in a week!
Carrie, Rick, Loki (where's momma? ooh, new hidey hole...), and Balder
(where's who?)
[Posted in FML issue 2380]