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Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:48:35 -0400
Jamie Steinhauer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Howdy everybody, my name is Tinker.  Daddy's away from the puter for a
little while, sos I thought I would sneak in and write you guys a little
story.  I gots to hurry so I don't no how much I can get done.  Well anyways
I was bornded about 6 months ago I think, I was alful little then.  I'm what
them hoomans calls a MF ferret, whatever dat is, I'll have to chek dat out.
When I gots old enuf I was sent to a pet store somewhere in norden Ohio.
One day dhere was this lady come in to look around, I tink she was just
checkin out our livin conditions, which were not very good at all.  Dhey had
me in a akurim wif wood shavins and dirty water and yuk, I don't like to
fink about it.  Dhis lady tolds them about my living conditions and dhey
didn't like it, so she tooks me home wif her.  Dhis lady's name is Laurie
she runs a shelter for us guys.  She was alful good to me.  Dhen one day to
or free monts ago dhey had this party for dhat Cleveland fert and dhere was
a hole bunch of hoomans dhere.  Dhats where I met my mommy and daddy, boy
was I really showin off for dhem.  Mommy fell in love wif me right off dhe
bat.  She wanted to bring me home wif her but daddy wasn't to sure.  Dhey
just kept argueing back and forph and back an forph.  Boy was I gettin tired
of listen to dhem, so just befor dhey left to go home, dhey was tellin all
us guys by, so when daddy piks me up to say by, I started nibblin on dhe
hairs on dady's face, I tink its called a beard or sompen like dhat.  Boy
dhats all it took, he was ready to bring me home.  Sos dhey put me in a nice
little cage and we headed souph, it was abou a five hour ride but I didn't
mind cause I swepted all dhe way home.  So dhats how I came to be part of
the Pietinkiville Gang.  You'll have to ask mommy about dhe name, she say
we ack like abunch of circus acrobats.  It sure is nice here.  I've got
lots of otter guys to pway wif and lots and lots of neat toys and two
swiding boards, and a snorkle box filled wif little pwastic balls and even
a swimmins pool.  Mommy and daddy sure do takes good care of us guys.  Ahoh
here comes daddy, I gots to get off here befor he sees me, he might spank
my little butt (just kiddin).  By By
All of the Gang,s stories can be seen at
I think some that have'nt been posted. Oh yeah while your there the Gang is
in the Heartland Pet Awards contest this week, they sure would like your
vote!!! They even have a chat room now. What will this bunch think of next??
Jamie and The Pietinkiville Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2385]