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Wed, 29 Jul 1998 13:43:07 EDT
Rebecca Williams <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Hi...I wanted to answer some questions that Henry asked in yesterday's
mailing list.  I would have e-mailed to the Ferret Forum that he suggested
but BIG had a good point in that writing here others may benefit others.
Okay, here I go!
1. Ferret Food
I feed my three fuzzbutts Totally Ferret Food.  I definately would recommend
it instead of Marshall Farms.  The reasons being that Marshall Farms food
for one thing has a very strong (okay bad) odor to it (it has too much fish)
which will definately give the ferrets a bad odor when they use the litter.
Bad odor in, bad odor out!  Marshalls food has a high level of fiber, 3.5%,
where as Totally Ferret only has only 1.5% fiber.  Low fiber is needed for
ferrets since they don't have a caecum which helps them digest food.
Marshalls food is pelleted where as Totally Ferret goes through a process
called extrusion.  This means that the food is heated over 200 degrees which
makes sure that it is completely cooked.  It also makes sure that all the
nutrients stay together till the ferrets eat the food.  Marshalls food has
fish as the 2nd main ingredient which accounts for the bad odor.  Fish is
okay but in smaller amounts and not one of the main ingredients.  And to top
it all off Marshall Farms sells ferrets to research labs which I find very
upsetting.  I wrote to them about this and they just said that it helps in
finding ways to help treat your ferrets.  So I guess you give them some
disease and SEE if you can find a cure for it.  I understand what point they
are trying to make but I still do not and will never agree with animal
testing.  Oh, incase anybody's wondering I don't work for Totally Ferret or
anything I just think that their food is good for my little ones :-)
2. Ferret Litter
I would stay away from the Katgo, fine ground cedar, litter.  Cedar does
help in reducing the odors but it is bad for the ferrets respitory system.
You are right in not liking the clay litter.  It creates dust which is also
bad when inhaled.  The clumping litters are bad as well since if they get
any litter on thier feet they could lick it off and it can cause an
intestinal blockage.  I use Sheppard & Greene Ferret Litter, their is also
one called Yesterday's News, which is made from recycled newspaper.  It is
dust-free so their is no need to worry about that.  If you can't find any
ferret litters in your area I mention a place online below that carries
3. Laxatone
Laxatone is made for cats and kittens but many people, including myself, use
it for their ferrets.  I bought mine at a local pet store but since the ones
near you don't carry it you can order it.  A place that carries it is called
Jeffers and you can reach them at 1-800-Jeffers.  Their is also The Ferret
Store online.  Thier web address is:
www.theferretstore.com.  I'm not sure if they carry it or not but you can
check it out.  Both places have pretty good prices.
4. Ferret Supplies
I guess I answered this one already in the above paragraph.  :-) You can
also go to Ferret Central on the internet at www.ferretcentral.org/ for lots
of info about ferrets.
I hope this helps.
Zoe..."Did I hear a squeaky toy?   Ferretone, Ferretone!"
Tori..."Mommy Merlin's eating all the food again!"
Merlin..."Yum, yum mommy...more food please!"
[Posted in FML issue 2385]