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Mon, 27 Jul 1998 08:05:57 -0400
Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
>From:    Alicia Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: USDA regulations
>The ferret spay/neuter restrictions, in my experience, are set basically
>at the state level.
In my state this is the same as far as the "hobby breeder".  For ferrets
it is limited to 4 adult whole ferrets.  Kits sales on hobby breeders is
10 weeks - this is all stated in the "ferret law".
>One thing that needs to be claified by USDA however is the appropriate
>age to which a ferret can be sold in a petstore.
The USDA says no animal can cross state lines under the age of 6 weeks
unless it is with it's natural mother.  So under that assumption, 6 weeks
would be considered legal for kit sales - at least if the kits are coming
from out of state.  In our state's ferret law it is not written, but I
have seen show regulations stating that USDA licensed breeders can sell at
8 weeks.  I am assuming it comes from USDA regs on cat & dog sales, but it
may just be a show rule.
>I would like to see the eight week limitation extended to ferrets as well
Me too.
[Posted in FML issue 2383]