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Wed, 22 Jul 1998 10:08:29 -0700
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First, would like to offer condolences to Bob and Bill on the passing of
Simon and Sophie.  It can be so hard to lose a pet, especially an energetic,
crazy ferret furball with tons of personality.
We lost our precious 4 year-old Millie on March 7 after a sudden, mysterious
two-day illness.  That last evening, my husband had placed her on the bed
for a minute because she seemed to want down.  She took a few shaky steps
toward me then laid down.  I picked her up and cuddled her, told her we
loved her, and she drew her last breath and passed away quietly in our arms.
I am so glad that we didn't have to deal with a long, drawn-out illness for
her sake, although losing her so quickly was quite a shock to us.  She spent
her entire final day with us being held or cuddled almost continually
because it seemed to be the only thing that would relax her.  I don't know
what caused her passing (X rays were perfect, no signs of poisoning or
trauma) but suspect maybe something similar to a stroke because of her
symptoms?  Maybe could have been an insulinoma, but she had no visible
symptoms - anyone know if that can have such a quick onset?  We buried her
with her favorite sweatshorts, one of her jingle balls and some of the
cookie crisp she dearly loved, beneath an oak tree in our new backyard (we
had just moved from an apartment in December).
Millie was our first ferret and taught us a lot about the furry little
critters.  We couldn't imagine life without ferrets after she left us, so we
stopped by Beggars and Thieves shelter (run by Patricia Israelson) in Plano,
TX on our way back from doctor appointments in Dallas in late March, and
brought home two then 7 month-old boys, Clint and Arnold (a.k.a.  Scooter
and Pongo) who quickly stole our hearts, along with anything else within
reach!  ;^) I don't think Millie would mind sharing some of her stuff with
the boys, but we did put up her favorite mangled squeaky stuffed toy,
superferret cape and jingle ball so we could always remember her (like
we'd need any help!)
Anyway, enough sad stuff for now - Clint and Arnold are doing great -
they'll be a year old in August.  Both seem healthy, although Clint is
significantly thinner than Arnold and sometimes has mucoid stools - no
diarrhea, though.  Any thoughts or ideas on this?  Also, any advice for
determining if a ferret is deaf, and training ideas for deaf ferrets?
On the recliner subject - I recently found a book at Hastings called
"Training your Pet Ferret" by Gerry Bucsis and Barbara Somerville, published
by Barron's.  It has some ideas on disabling a recliner and a lot of other
ferret proofing tips as well as info on training, traveling, etc.  It's
actually a really neat book!
Sorry this is so long - have a habit of rambling where ferrets are
concerned!  Thanks for listening!
Kevin and Laura
Clint ( nothing is out of reach for the amazing Spiderman, er ferret!)
Arnold ( I like to collect beanie babies -under the dresser, that is!)
ferret angel Millie ( cookie crisp does grow on trees in ferret heaven!
:) )
[Posted in FML issue 2378]