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Thu, 16 Jul 1998 01:18:56 -0500
TwoSpooky <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi, all!  Well, after an uneventful four months or so, our latest
catastrophe.  Xena, my little fireball, fell off my shoulder and cracked
her head against the end table on her way down, effectively breaking the
point off her tooth clear down to the pulp.  The tooth bled and she was in
a *lot* of pain, smacking and gagging and pawing at her mouth.  Feeling
like an awful, negligent mommy, I rushed her to the vet.  By the time I got
her there, she had calmed down considerably and the blood had stopped.
The vet told me the tooth would likely die unless it could be filed down
and given a filling.  He also said his office didn't have instruments small
enough to do this with ferrets.  He told me to try Kansas State (we're in
Nebraska), but it would likely cost a bundle to have her tooth worked on.
He said to simply watch for infection, make sure she's eating, and otherwise
let the tooth be.
Is this the best course of action?  What experiences have others had with
broken teeth?  Any advice is much appreciated.
-Tasha and the Gang of Four
+ 2 perplexed felines
+ 1 long-suffering SO...
[Posted in FML issue 2372]