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Mon, 13 Jul 1998 10:13:48 -0400
Barbara Carlson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
>Apparently they thought it would be funny to see drunk ferrets.  Haha.  I
>was not quite as amused.  I don't know what to do since I have to live with
>him now and I'm worried about my ferrets' safety.  I don't think he meant
>to harm them but it was a seriously stupid and potentially dangerous thing
>to do, and quite frankly I don't trust him with any of my animals now.  I
>told him I don't want him to have anything to do with any of my stuff
>anymore (animals included) but does anyone have any possible
>solutions/suggestions for me?  Thanks.
*sigh* :(  This is a really tough problem, and I can sympathize immensely.
I had a similar problem with my stepson when he was living with me.  He used
drugs and he thought it was funny to blow pot smoke at animals and make them
high.  He'd told me about doing it to his friend's cat and a day or two
later I noticed the tell-tale smell of pot around my ferret cage.  I was
furious!  I think he was doing that to my son's iguana, too.  We told him
in no uncertain terms to cut that @#$# out, or he'd have to find a home
I felt like a prisoner in my own house.  The ferret cage is in the
livingroom, way too big to put anywhere else in the house where I could
lock the door, and he'd figure out how to get in there, anyway. :(  The
only thing that worked was kicking the kid out.  He wouldn't stay away from
the drugs and was caught with them in the house, so he had to leave.  It's
hard to kick a child out.  I would think it would be easier to kick out a
roommate ..
In your situation, this might be the end of it, but how can you know what
goes on when you're not there?  You could lock up your ferrets somewhere,
but why should they be locked away like they're in jail when they didn't
do anything wrong?  You're extremely lucky that your ferrets *didn't* die
of alcohol poisoning.  I don't know how much it would take, but they're
little ..  If it had been *my* ferrets, they would have drank the whole
thing and begged for more.  If your roommate shows so little concern for
things that belong to you, not to mention endangering the life of an animal,
I wonder how great a roommate he is in general.  Perhaps it's time to find
a new roommate or find somewhere else to live.
My heart goes out to you and your ferrets -- I know what this feels like. :(
[Posted in FML issue 2369]