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Fri, 10 Jul 1998 08:31:47 -0400
Laura Mann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
>I spoke with David Flagler, Salt Lake County Animal Control Officer, and
>he told me that he has not heard anything of the kind.  So do not believe
>the rumors.  Even if the County Commission tells you they are legal, talk
>with the people who enforce the ordinance, Animal Control.
Rick, maybe, just maybe, ferrets are no longer illegal in Salt Lake County??
From my experiences here, the people who "enforce" the "law" are not
necessarily abreast on what the law actually is or isn't, nor do they always
care.  Maybe (if you haven't already) you should go to the local law library
and check the actual statutes, and most importantly, the most recent updates
(supplements).  You might find some good news yet.  Or perhaps this is just
wishful thinking on my part?
BTW, I believe this most recent iso/ketamine debate started with my concerns
over Zen's impending (now complete) surgery to remove a skin tumor.  Just
thought all might like to know she is doing great - dooking, dancing and
happy as a clam, errr, ferret.  <G> Zen was given the ket and seemed to have
no reactions.  At least none I was told about.  I don't like the huge ugly
staples in her side that the vet decided to use instead of stitches, but
perhaps that's for the best.  I should be getting the results of the
histeopathy (sp?) (testing on the tumor to see if they got it all and if
it's benign or malignant) within the next week.  Wish us luck.  And thank
you all, so much, for all the great help and advice.  You really came
through, as always.
I also wanted to ask, the vet bill for the entire procedure (including lab
tests on tumor) was $55!!!  This seemed remarkably low to me after hearing
about all the vet bills for surgeries being $300 - $400+.  Or was that just
because of this type of "minor" surgery?  Any thoughts?
One last thing, I've gotten some good responses to the Fert Sitting Circle
in Southern Ohio/Northern KY/ Northern WV areas but more is always better!!
If anyone else would like to participate, please email me directly with
name, city & state, day and night phone, ECE exposed or not, # of ferrets
and whether you prefer to have them watched in your home or in the
"sitter's" home.  Thanks!!
Laura, Queen Zen, Queen Bu
[Posted in FML issue 2366]