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Wed, 1 Jul 1998 07:53:26 -0300
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When I first purchased my Jade in '93, (he was 6 months) he was an awful
malicious biter.  He had been at the pet store:o( quite some time, or so I
was told by the staff for this very reason.  Got a good deal on him, for
him being a problem ferret.  Best investment I've ever made!!!  When Saz,
(staff) took him out of the cage Jade was real nasty with her.  Saz said,
"He just needs a little work".  I had never had any dealings with ferrets,
I had only seen one about 10 years before, but I just knew this was the pet
for me.
For the first few hours, I was nervous to even open his cage, thought he
might lunge at me or something.  So I got out some leather gloves, work
boots and away we went to the bathroom.  In the bathroom, I sat on the
floor, let Jade loose and just let him bite me wherever and whenever he
wanted to.  After a week or so, I went down to sneakers and just used a
towel to protect my ankles, hands and wrists, still he got me a quite a
few times.  (Sure was embarrasing when people said, "My God what have you
done to your wrists")?
Anyway, this went on for quite some time, let me think, I am sure it was a
good 2 months or so before he trusted me totally.  To this day, Jade NEVER
bites me, even when we sometimes play a little rough, he will only ever so
slightly nip, (what I would consider a "Come on Mom, get with the program
and play with me nip".  I get showered with kisses at every pickup,
wonderfully sloppy Jader kisses.
The only thing I found with this bite curing method, is that Jade will bite
other people, not just a nip, more like a quick hard snap, that will usually
draw blood.  But you know, it usually depends on the mood he is in.  So just
to be on the safe side, people always get asked, please not to touch him he
does and will more than likely bite.  Jade doesn't mind not meeting too many
people.  When I take him in my hood, he is just content to look around at
others.  He doesn't seem to be overly nosy/curious by nature, what I call
good natured.  Which brings me to the running free part.
I ALWAYS, keep my guys on a harness.  I have always been told and have read
that a ferret's curiousity will take them farther than far, not for their
own good.  You will probably never see your baby again once he is free,
(obviously not all cases, but the very vast majority).  Look at the lost
fuzzie stories on the FML, once outside, it's not like the little one just
sits and waits to get back in!!!
Jade is constantly at my heels, heck when I go to the bathroom, he wants in
to lay at my feet, play and wait for me.  Jade is funny though, when I take
him outside on his harness, he turns and points to home, (follow me Mom)
runs and won't stop till he is up the steps and laying on the deck, at my
feet.  He doesn't like to go off the deck.  Daisy would just go go go, she
is "Super Curious".  Dad said to me one day, "I'll bet if you let Jade loose
he would just hang around close and not run away".  Would I ever try that?
Not on your life!
I have friends who have a ferret, Pookey is his name.  When they go away to
their cottage in the summer, they harness Pookie to the the clothes line,
he gets loose many times, but he has always comes back within a few hours.
I would be a basketcase if I looked down at an empty harness!!
Anyway, in closing, I would NEVER recommend to let your ferret run free, and
I think there are more painless methods to "nip a biting problem in the bud"
then the one I chose.  My biting method worked for me.  I would use the
method again and again, cause that is what I am used to.  Jade is now going
into his 6th year, and I don't think I can say that I have ever had a pet
that was as loyal and lovable as he is to me.  Daisy of course was a true
lady when we got her, she only gently nips to play tag, she too does not
A rose for you,
compliments of
Jade 'n Daisy and me.
[Posted in FML issue 2357]