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Mon, 29 Jun 1998 16:34:43 -0500
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I was asked to post this, several people have already seen it (it being on
my shelter site), but... to see it online, I have it at my shelter site at:
Listless, and lying,
Fur matted and dull
"Bandit" lay crying,
Heart shattered, a shell.
Left in his cage,
All day and all night,
His life was such
That more food gave a fright!
His water was empty
Food bowl overturned
He felt kinda dizzy,
His stomach still churned.
Once he was loved
A long time ago
Felt young hands stroking,
That made his heart glow!
Now he felt nothing,
No more was life fun.
His heart was empty
Now he had no-one.
His cage had felt big,
For it was just a bed.
No runs in the house now,
He may well be dead
He watched as his 'owner'
Walked past to the van.
Now left in the garage,
He rarely saw 'man'
He slept all the time,
No toys in the cage.
If he'd had the heart,
He would be enraged!
Bandit lay crying,
Spine clearly shown,
Bandit lay dying,
His life overthrown.
One day he was taken.
Moved out of his cell,
He was badly shaken,
Now in for more hell!
Jaws latched on tight
A reaction of fear,
A hand gently stroked,
Too late now to care.
In his new cage,
Belly now tight,
Bandits' short life
Ended that night.
He died with some comfort,
Soft bedding and food
His water now filled,
(So much it felt lewd!)
Bandit died knowing
That someone did care
Died with a heart
Full of love that was shared.
For those that no longer
Can care for their charges
Their lives are being begged for
By Bandit, and others
 Before it's too late
(As it was with poor Bandit)
Go, take that baby,
To a shelter, do hand it
Do one final thing
For the love they have shown you
And give them a chance
To show others love too.
[Posted in FML issue 2355]