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Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:08:21 -0400
Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: How ECE effects pet shops
>MF and PV and, as far as I know, any other east coast ferret farm are ECE
>free.  How the kits are picking up ECE is through the distributorship of
So, if they are all ECE free, then how is it spread in the first place?
From the west coast?  Why would west coast & east cost ferrets be in the
same holding areas together at airlines?  Didn't ECE start it's rampage in
the east coast?
Seems to me the best way to combat the pet store problems is to eliminate
the sale of ferrets through them.  Or at the very least have the USDA
require them to have a license, a monthly inspection, & have them attend
education seminars, etc.
>From:    "Phyllis A. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: parvo
What about Mink Parvo (can't remember the tech term)?  I know that it has
to do with certian genetic in mink, but can ferrets get it also?  I would
assume they could.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Hello and Traveling
>I read an article recently on traveling with your ferret.  It said that you
>should pack enough water for the trip so that the fuzzy's digestion system
>is not upset by a change in water.  I was wondering if anybody out there
>has anything to say on this subject.
Yes!  Picture you on a trip to Mexico with nothing else to drink except for
their water! =(
>Any other suggestions for the hurricane pack would be greatly appreciated.
Put together a first aid kit for all of your animals (& family!).  You will
want to have the capability to mend wounds that might come up.
>From:    meagan quinn <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: medicines are evil
>scruffing keera (tight...i am afraid i am going to buise her) and while
>the holder also takes the ront paws and pushed down, the EVIL medicine
>giver covers her eyes with her hand and gives the meds into her mouth
>(takes from left side better than right)
I have had luck with a jill taking Baytrill (& another that *hated* Amoxi)
by squirting it on the roof of the mouth (while being scruffed).  I scruff &
then "hang" them so the meds go down the roof of the mouth.  Slides right
down & works really well for me.
>any suggesitons what to mix it with.
Maybe some baby food?  On a plate with ferretone?
Amy Flemming
Flemming Farms
[Posted in FML issue 2350]