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Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:58:22 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Exhausted today.  Had an accidental bleach poisoning (probably no more than
one or two drops which probably splashed under the faucet and later Warp
climbed into the sink and made a discovery.  Turns out the result is
projectal vomiting without lethargy, very sore stomach, and then green loose
stools with the first batch.  Stayed up most of the night.  Had that
emergency happen just MINUTES after Niki called up in tearful panic from a
train station about 45 minutes away with her wallet and all contents
missing.  Kerfuffle!  Niki had to wait till we knew Warp was safe enough for
us get to the station.  We both broke down and had some cake after the worst
of both was over for surviving.
Anyway, I can't think very straight -- just a little bit -- and don't trust
myself to try to look up the person who has been posting regularly from Utah
on legal issues just recently.  That person said that ferrets which bite are
being put down.  This differs from what your state public health vets told
me was being recommended by their department.  You will want to contact
them, get an update in case anything has changed since I spoke with them or
since you spoke with your source, see if they have even tried to spread
information about the 1998 Compendium and their resulting decision (not all
state health departments have tried to get the info out), etc.  Call
1-801-538-7160 and ask for Michael Marshall or one of his assistant PHVs.
Remember that even in state which have been working hard to educate there
are still cases cropping up every few months with people who never read
memos and never attended seminars.
Have to call Nebraska.  Couldn't get through last week and don't trust
myself today to speak straight enough while my eyes droop.  Heard from
someone that a friend had said that sacrifice for ferrets without time to
find owners and check documents was happening -- as if the Compendium had
been turned on its head.  Trying to find if this is indeed the case and
trying to get help tracing down where this is happening and where the
communications flubbed up in that case, but the original source has NOT
responded, so it could be just a local misunderstanding which got fixed and
caused some embarrassment, or the person could just be away, or whatever.
Don't know...
Oh, Warp says to tell you that she is FINE.  She points out that SHE is not
the one who overturned the water dish in the hall, or climbed the file
cabinets and stole the heating pad.  In fact, she insists modestly that
everything she has done today has been absolutely perfect and that if we
just agree to forget the next dose of Pepto Bismol without telling Hanan
that she will be perfect fro a week.
Spot replies that he doesn't believe it because when Mommy helped him pass a
fur ball he brought Mommy one of the long-stashed socks and Warp has nothing
THAT good.
Oh, my shoes which had been missing for two weeks BOTH appeared in the
middle of the walk-area near the dining nook one day in case anyone was
[Posted in FML issue 2341]