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Mon, 7 Sep 1998 22:17:43 -0700
Megan O'Shaughnessy DC <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
If anyone in the Mt. Vernon, Washington area is looking for a VERY sweet
ferret, there is a totally sweet little female fuzzbutt in the Petco on
College Way in Mt Vernon. They just got a new shipment of babies in; she
is the only (slightly) older ferret there and the only MF one.
I am not a very good judge of ferret age yet but I'd /guess/ she's maybe
6-7 months???  She has a very thin white line on the top of her head.  When
I snapped my fingers behind her head she turned around to look so I don't
think she is deaf.  I THINK she's a chocolate mitt/blaze but I'm not too
good at telling what color is what, yet, except for the really obvious ones.
I had her out of the cage and she was climbing around on me and being
utterly sweet, nuzzling, no nips AT ALL (compared with the rest of the
younger kits who were going *chomp*chomp*chomp* at me the whole time, HARD,
at least those which I handled.) She on the other hand loved to hang out on
my shoulder and give me kisses.  She was alert, inquisitive, no ear mites,
nice soft fur, seemed happy and healthy (to my novice estimate) if a bit
lonely.  I was SOOOOOOOOOO achingly tempted to buy her then and there, but
I'm staying w ith my folks over labor day weekend and my mom is deathly
allergic to most critters.  (That, aside from financial concerns.)
She was apparently returned by a lady who bought her for a too-young child
and didn't anticipate what a handful a young ferret could be.  The Petco
person I talked to who got the cage open for me said that they will
probably have trouble placing her because a) she is a return and b)people
tend to focus on the youngest babies.  He hinted that they might be able to
offer a discount on her if they couldn't place her.  *sigh* I told the
store folks that if she was still there by the time I got moved up that
way, I'd take her home.  But that may not be for a few more weeks to even a
month or more.
Anyway...if someone gets there before me (and I hope someone does, for her
sake!) please give her a good home, she's a total darling!
(There are also a couple of very cute patterned DEW kits there too, but MAN
do they bite!)
- Megan
Megan O'Shaughnessy DC ( [log in to unmask] )
URL: http://www.teleport.com/~megan/
[Posted in FML issue 2425]