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Wed, 26 Aug 1998 13:44:09 -0700
John Gordon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
I've been lurking for a few weeks after breaking one of my rules.  "Better
to be quiet and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and eliminate all
I want to thank the FML as a group for the much more civil tone it seems to
be taking.  And of course BIG for establishing that order.
I thank Gary Holowell for providing "Timmy's Tonic", "Pet Tinic", "Greens"
and information about "pine bark extract" for my girlfriend Dee's Slinky.
Slinky is 7 years old, has had two adrenal surgeries and until last week
was bald.  He is getting some new growth thanks to the pine bark extract we
added about a month ago.  I can't attribute his gaining weight, feeling
better and growing hair to Gary.  It is God who has used Gary as a tool.
Bless you Gary.  Dee's baby will be with us longer because you are so kind.
Thanks to those who have shared their loses recently.  Your stories cause me
to remember my loved ones at the Bridge and while the memories are painful,
they remind me of the wonderful babies I've had the priviledge of living
Our "Ferret Connection" meeting was this last Sunday.  We normally don't
bring fuzzies to them but an exception was Mimi who came Sunday.  Mimi's
story is too long to relate here, but the short version is: she and Hercules
were shuffled to several owners before she had a growth on one of her left
rear toes.  A vet told the owner she needed to be put down or have the leg
amputated.  The "thoughtful" owner donated them to anyone who would take
them to avoid the vet bills.  Tammy, a group member, fostered them and took
Mimi to Dr. Chuck Burmeister at All-Pets Veterinary Clinic in Peoria who
operated to remove the tumor for only the cost of tests, meds, etc.  We
each donated a little to pay the costs.
This was last fall and I wrote a small article which appeared in the Peoria
Journal Star "Random Acts of Kindness" column to thank Chuck.  One of people
who had been forced to pass Mimi along earlier read the article, called the
clinic who told her where Mimi was and contacted Tammy.  She has since
re-adopted Mimi and Hercules and joined our group.  She was kind enough to
bring Mimi.  She is a beautiful active sable who doesn't like other ferrets
(except Herc) and must have been abused by a man because she usually bites
and won't go near men.  She honored me by letting me hold her nearly 15
minutes.  Thanks Mimi for reminding me that we do get back what we put out.
And thanks to Chuck, Mimi has just barely a scar where the growth was.
Sorry this got so long.
Almost forgot - Kathy Goodhart.  To answer your question, I asked Hillary
if Bill was neutered and she assured me he is or she wouldn't let him sniff
butt with Lucky and Jill at Dee's.  I didn't mention to Hillary that I've
seen her let the bald old Slinky and the kissing bandit Jack sniff her butt
and I have had to remove her from Jacks hammock.  I didn't want to P.O. her
because I have a new breakable gallon glass jar to store TF in on top of the
refrigerator and as long as she's not angry she only knocks off books and
other unbreakables.  I'm going to have to replace the glass jar with plastic
or never irritate her again.  Bill does what she wants too.  He's been with
her longer than me.  ( I e-mailed Totally Ferret and they said NEW plastic
was OK :-)
John Gordon
[Posted in FML issue 2413]