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Sun, 16 Aug 1998 06:40:04 EDT
Jena Adam <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (72 lines)
Hi again -- got Teletubbies on as my godson watches it... great UK
television on PBS heheh --- (no im not in the UK) anyways -- Elvis has left
the building -- my dumb ass boyfriend had my lil girl Jezebel out side and
when he wasn't looking she took off -- I only had her for like 2 days and
now she's gone.  I doubt I will ever see her again cause we have stray cats
that run around but my hopes are still high but I doubt it.  poor Jezy...
well yesterday I'm sitting at home and in walks my boyfriend holding
something a a towel and he said that he felt sorry for her getting away and
that he was looking for her all day up and down the street where we live but
with no luck.  He felt so bad that he went out and bought me a 7 week old
male I named Angel ... aint that cute.  He also said that when we find her
we'll work them together.
Anyways on another note -- I want to give my condolences(sp) for all the lil
sick ferrets I've been reading about -- when I first came on this list with
my lil sick Vinyl I was cruificied by how I took care of him and things I
used for him in daily life.  Vinyl lived to be 2 yrs and 3 months old.  90%
of the list was helpful and considerate to my loss and helped me through a
lot (Ariel I think you were one of them and Jenniferret) and I want to say
now that im back on it seems like everyones kid is sick and stuff and its
sad to see..............It's also nice to see that how helpful everyone is
being as well.
CAT LITTER -- to the guy (dont remember your name) who asked about this in
the last digest.  I used cat litter for Vinyl (fresh step) and he seemed
fine with it.  I didn't have any problems with him using it, I asked my vet
and other vets and they said to use it -- I asked the lady who runs a ferret
shelter around me what she used and she said cat litter as well cause the
other stuff for her can get expensive when your running a shelter on your
own money(she does it out of her home and she does have a big heart for all
her ferrets) -- I am still using cat litter for my lil Angel now as well...
The pellets to me dont seem as though they would work good and im not too
keen on the paper stuff becuase of the smell and stuff -- BUT HEY I'm open
to any decisions.  I also am feeding my lil tike IAMS kitten food until I
can get to the pet shop and by TF food.. so dont kill me yet.  Where I live
the pet stores in ton dont carry much in the way of ferret esp litter or
food... and right now im a lil low on cash and things will have to wait
Angel is fine eating and using what he has.
ok I could use any help, advice and info anyone can give me on young hobs.
Angel like I said is a 7 week old male (silverf mitt I believe) he has
whitish hair and black guard hairs which soon will show color eventually.
Ok I was reading on the biting things since he is a lil biter...... I'm
feeding him dry and moist kitten food, have a water bottle(the larger kind)
and a water bowl in the cage -- which I think I have to buy a smaller bottle
so he can use it... My question is
When should I stop feeding him the moist kitten food (and yes dry food is
in the cage at all times)?  I have seen him eat the dry food
With a smaller water bottle(nosel) can I take the water dish out of the
How can I let him wander through my room without getting lost?
Is it alright to use Johnson and Johnson baby Tearless shampoo(or the
sensitive kind) to wash him and can I start now?
and is he old enough to get shots?  (which he has to go to the vet anyways
to be checkout
last off my nicknames for him
Angel Michael (is his full name - Angel cause he looks like one and Michael
after the late great Michael Hutchence of INXS) -- I call him lil Fucker
cause he bites, lil Angel
I rambled off enough and im leaving...
Jena & Angel
[Posted in FML issue 2403]