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Fri, 7 Aug 1998 16:55:24 -0800
Meghan Bonikowski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hi all,
I was at the local Petco today and I saw a few little tiny kits in a cage
with plenty of other bigger kits too.  I asked to hold the ferrets as I
sometimes do, and was holding the smallest babies.  I thought they looked
pretty tiny, so I asked the girl who worked there if she knew how old they
were.  She thought a moment, said they got them in yesterday, and that she
thought them to be 4 weeks old.  Four weeks old??  Is this allowed?  How
long are kids *supposed* to normally stay with their mothers?
It had me worried about them.  While I was standing there, a young girl and
her mother came in and looked at them too.  The girl was holding a young
one, and I was telling her about them.  The mother and girl seemed really
nice, asking me questions, etc.  I was glad people were asking about them,
instead of just shrugging me off like some people have done.
Anyway, I was just wondering I guess if the age of these little babies being
sent away to pet stores is getting younger and younger or if the girl was
just really misinformed or what?
Concerned in Washington,
Meghan B.
[Posted in FML issue 2394]