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Print Reply
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:32:30 EDT
"Petal D. Lavallee" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
We have had the boys for a few weeks now and I guess we are pretty well
wrapped around their little paws.  They have really broken us in well.
They have run of the living room kitchen and (Hobbs favorite) the arena, I
mean the hall.  This is where some great Fert wrestling matches happen,
better yet some really great get the hooman chases take place.  The hall is
rather infested with socks and towels at times (this being the chic place
to drag anything your can pull).  We recently took them to The Falcon Ridge
Folk Festival in Hillsdale New York where the were all the rage.  I am a
registered nurse and I volunteer in the first aide tent for the festival
weekend.  We found a great medical use for the ferts, "DISTRACT THE
SCREAMING CHILD" one look at Calvin and Hobbs and the little one forgot all
about what was going on.  (Mostly delicate splinter removal, blister and
scrapped knee repair!) Anyway the boys were confined to the cat carrier for
most of the day but they really loved their play time out in the grass on
the hill.  As far as heat went I used a big ziplock bag filled with ice put
it in a sock and place it in the Fert hammock.  The seemed fine did drink
lots of water but thats good in the heat.  We had lots of fans in the tent
(30X30) very large, walls were up all day nice breeze so we all survived
pretty good.  So now that we know the ferts travel well there will be no
stopping us.  (Well, my husband does sing to them quite loudly at times
that could limit out welcome in places I guess ; > BTW my husband has been
thinking about this FLO thing and he believes we are all rather naive to
believe in it.  He (being a military guy) says that it has definitely
progressed to the F.L.A.Ferrett Liberation Army BEWARE.
Petal, Joey
Calvin  (Mom can we have that ice thing back it was cooool)
Hobbs  (who cares you can't eat it)
[Posted in FML issue 2385]