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Tue, 28 Jul 1998 12:35:20 -0700
John Gordon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
As the most vehement protestor to the method used by Ed Lipinski to convey
his message and freely admitting to being a slow witted solidly on the
ground illterate farm boy, I want to be among the first to compliment him
for the posts in yesterday's Digest with their positive solutions to the
heat problem, and thought provoking non-flamable arguments.  I appreciate
his humor and envy his knowledge.  Even I, slow witted low flying head that
I am, had discerned the message in the previous post.  It wasn't the
message or even the messenger I was so disturbed with.  It was the hateful
tone.  I still disagree as to whether I am contributing to the devolution
or at least lack of evolution by adopting ferrets born at Marshall Farms,
but I can appreciate the sincerity of Ed's beliefs.  I truly respect that
and am overjoyed to see the tone of the most recent posts.  It seems that,
while my message was misunderstood by many due to my lack of literary
skill, Ed Lipinski got the message.
Danke "shayne".  (I, being the slow witted one, failed to remember the
correct spelling of the Deutsch word I have phonetically spelled.) I hope
Mr. Lipinski will accept my sincere thanks for making this a friendlier
more educational list today than we both created a few days ago.  If my
tasteless post helped to promulgate this result, then, perhaps, Glenn was
correct when stating "the end justifies the means".  I'm just not
comfortable with the technique and publicly vow to not lower myself into
the mud again.  Hopefully, we can keep the discussion and exchange of ideas
on this middle level where all can participate.  As for me, I find that
when I point out flaws with my index finger, there are three times the
number of fingers pointed at me.
And once again, thanks to Bill Gruber for the levelheaded (even while
shaking) moderation.
John Gordon, the slow-witted low-flying but happily loved by formerly
homeless ferrets farm boy.
[Posted in FML issue 2384]