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"Meg Carpenter, Chaotic Ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 04:19:05 EDT
text/plain (32 lines)
Bad Cage smells from Kathy:
>I am great with keeping up with it but it still smells.  No matter what I
>wash it with it still smells.  I took out all their toys and bedding and
>washed them in hot soapy bleach water.  Still, bad smell.  So I washed the
>ferrets too, still, bad smell...
Hi Kathy - I really don't think you should be washing the ferrets in hot
soapy bleach water everyday!  They must be pretty white by now....but
seriously, I am wondering if your cage base is galvanized and perhaps old
with some black or rust areas.  Or could it be wood?  If it is galvanized,
try scrubbing with a stiff wire brush & comet.  Also - you can refinish
the bottom by using contact paper or get an enamel spray (outside and well
ventilated and check label for toxicity).
Or maybe it is time to get a new cage.  I have gradually changed over to
enamel bases or heavy plastic bases.  Bedding should be changed every few
days and I go through tons.  Also, try carpeting the base or using vinyl
tile.  I prefer the carpet cut to fit (with jute backing) and just pull it
out and pitch when soiled.  Also, although I sometimes use bleach, I prefer
Zephrin (Benzalkonium chloride) as a cold sterilizer.  Amway sells it in a
concentration called Germicidal.
You might also be bathing your ferrets too often (I really don't think you
are using bleach on them :)).  Mine are lucky if they get a bath once a
month!  And their coat and skin is better for it.  If odor persists, please
take the ferrets to a vet - could be something like ear mites or another
condition that might be adding to the ferrets natural smell which is
somewhat musky.
Cheers, Meg
[Posted in FML issue 2470]