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Thu, 10 Dec 1998 01:49:00 -0600
Betty and Jim <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
Wow!  What a popular person I've become!  Thank you to all of you who are
continuing to make me famous!  Thank you!
Well, the time has come to once again restate the issues I discussed
because time and time and time again they seem to be twisted around to the
point of absurdity.  Wow!  Time to get out of heated discussions, as they
haven't done anything more than create further heated discussions.
Animals issues have been and continue to be hot controversial topics.
When deep seated emotions are involved, tempers rise and nothing gets
accomplished in the long run.  Only deep seated resentments and hurtful
feelings result.  Ferrets are an emotional topic... well, this is a ferret
forum after all.  My contribution to this list is not to stop breeding of
ferrets, (never has been my stand) because one person alone could never do
it.  I am certainly not the person who is interested in trying.  There are
far too many breeders on this list that would defend the right to their
livelihood and that is their right.  The issue at hand comes down to the
needs of our fuzzy friends and the responsibilities of those who choose to
care for them.  Months ago a heated debate began when someone said not to
cage ferrets and so others shot back that they had no choice.  The tones
got angrier and more hateful and in the long run, the discussion ended and
life went on.  The wonderful thing about free speech is that everyone has
an opinion.  And after everyone has given theirs, life will indeed go on
but the plight of the ferret will still remain.
I find it interesting that some people find the word "experience"
offensive.  Eventually in the translation, it turns into opinion and then
it turns into gawd knows what.  Funny thing is, that, you can't change the
experiences a person has had.  My experiences with ferret owners, shelters
housing ferrets and ferret breeders are just that - my experiences.  And
for many of the shelters on the list, your "opinions" will be a reflection
of what you have seen and experienced.  Same goes for the breeders.  Now,
what can happen is, that out of a forum such as this, improvements can be
made based on the experiences of all those on this list, as well as
additional comments from the public and businesses at large that do not
have access to this list but that we know have ferrets and we are in
contact with.  It is these experiences that people are going to make their
final decisions on.  The more that we, as a collective, can offer, the more
problems are brought to the surface and then the real work of finding the
solutions can finally begin.
As for my qualifications - what possible qualifications could I possibly
hold that would make the ones who are so worked up by my posts, happy?
None, I assure you.  Anything that I offer will be ripped apart and chewed
and spitted out for the vultures to pick over.  But I didn't open my mouth
because I like the heat of battle, nor do I enjoy playing devil's advocate.
I am like many of us on this list; I don't stand out and have nothing to
offer but my experiences.  But once again for the record, I stated that I
am not a breeder, nor do I run a shelter.  Although, by some of the
descriptions that a lot of you offer as definitions of being a shelter, I
could be called one as well.  I too have taken in many ferrets, and have
stayed up endless nights caring for the infirm, the sick and the dying.
Aging, cancer, insulinoma, adrenal disease, combination cardiomyopathy and
islet tumors, epilepsy... and now a deaf ferret.  I too have cried over not
having funds to cover vet bills but managed to have it all work out in the
end.  I have educated those who ask me about ferrets and take every
opportunity to do my part in giving ferrets a good name without giving the
public at large the impression that ferrets are easy to look after.  (Even
in the pet store I gave more information to the gathering and much
interested clientele than the Pet store staff offered.  He admitted
outright that he knew nothing about ferrets.  I left him my name and the
Ferret Central Web Site to give to others that were interested in
purchasing ferrets.  He was extremely grateful.) I am an avid animal lover,
who co-habitates with cats, a guinea pig and a tarantula, and as of Sunday
now 5 ferrets.  But I guess I don't have enough of the kind of experience
you wish I had with ferrets in order to count in your book.  Sorry you feel
that way Meg, but you are entitled to your opinion.
So that out of the way, let's just briefly talk about risks.  Life is one
big risk.  But we are the ones who make the decisions to do so.  For the
breeders on this list, I will prepare you in that you will find this next
statement offensive.  Making a living off of animals in my mind is wrong.
But that is why I don't do it.  Instead I take in the homeless and let them
live out their lives here with me.  No animal asks to be bred - we make
that choice for them.  Meg, making an analogy of being pregnant and
breeding animals is laughable, sorry to say.  The two are as different as
apples and oranges.  In your mind they are not and that is your opinion.
Thank you for sharing.
But in regards to breeding, Meg, what exactly is your qualification that
gives you the right to play G*d?  Scientists are still studying genetics...
are you, and for how long?  I personally have no experience in the field of
genetics.  I would have to have an extensive medical background to even to
begin to try.  G*d bless the vets!  Alas, I am only a mere mortal with an
avid interest in knowledge, and in animals.  I have no answers, but a hell
of a lot of questions.  And its those questions that start debates with
others and before you know it, a solution is in the works.  I am proud to
be a member of society that contributes in many ways, including volunteer
work.  I am proud to be a member of this ferret group who, overall,
understands the meaning of contribution in positive ways.
Once again, in my humble opinion
Betty and her Blur O'Fur
[Posted in FML issue 2522]