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Wed, 9 Dec 1998 01:08:40 EST
Sandra King <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
O.K.  guys--here's the challenge: Help me save my ferret.  Any thoughts,
opinions, etc, would be greatly appreciated.  The quicker the better as my
boy is on borrowed time right now.
History: 2.5 year old neutered male.  Thurs 5:45 pm--fine, energetic,
playful.  Fri 8:15 am--lethargic, wheezy.  Went to reg vet, temp 105.8,
thickened intestines, noisy lungs, very weak, got antibiotics.  At
midnight, went home to medicate, felt hot so took to work w/ me, temp
105.7.  Got a shot of Baytril, Dypirone, 90cc Lactated Ringers SQ.  By 7 am
temp was 102.1.  Grinding teeth, retching whenever offered food, clear
discharge from eyes.
Sat--10 am--temp 102.7, dehydrated, wet rales, gave 120cc LRS SQ,
Furosemide, Amoxi, tube fed 20cc of A/D and Liquical.
8:45 pm--shot of Aminophylline and Furosemide.
Sun--9:20pm--temp 103.6, abdomen painful, lungs clear, x-rays.  Cranial
lobe consolidated, gassy stomach and intestines.  Baytril shot, plus some
to take home.
Mon--2:30pm--went to reg vet, grinding teeth, clear discharge from eyes,
extremely weak--tail remains in litter box when he's done, painful abdomen,
clear lungs, x-ray--no improvement in lungs (not worse either), feels mass
in abdomen.  If no better in am--recommend exploratory.  Temps: 5am--105.5,
9am--106.3, 2pm--104.0, 10pm--106.4 (at *least*--that's all this
thermometer goes to).
Tues--8:00am--found him sleeping w/ his butt in the litter box--too weak
to get it out, grinding teeth, panting, still painful abdomen, goes in for
exploratory.  Findings: Enlarged spleen, thickened intestines, adrenal
tumor the size of a small grape attached to major blood vessel--removed as
much as possible.  Got Dypirone due to high temp, Torb for pain.  Temps:
1am--103.5, 6am--103.8, 8am--107.2, 2pm--107.7, 6pm--101.2.
Right now (12:07am Wed)--moaning, very weak, absolutely refusing to
eat--clenching teeth and letting it dribble out, the same for
water--refusing to let it go down.  Considering stomach tube if no
improvement by 8am.
What on earth is going on and how long can he hold on???
[Posted in FML issue 2518]