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Sat, 17 Oct 1998 11:17:23 -0700
Donald Dittman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
I didn't want to get into this discussion but I do have to say something in
regard to Ms. Cascio's post that I feel she cares deeply for ferrets and
was not trying to be offensive.  It is strictly my opinion that if you hit
your ferret or any pet hard enough to make it urinate that is definitely
too hard.  There are more appropriate ways to discipline biters.  I'm
writing from experience since I have a girl who has bitten through ears,
noses, and lips and has never been hit.  She is gradually improving and I'm
afraid that if any of us had hit her because of her biting it would only
have made her worse.  We need to remember that all of us are allowed our
own opinions and criticizing Ms. Cascio's opinion is no different than
criticizing Fulvio's.  The bottom line is what is best for our ferrets and
I believe Ms. Cascio had that thought firmly in mind.
Laurel and the never spanked ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2465]