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Tue, 22 Sep 1998 10:55:47 EDT
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Epstein here with a quick question.....
About a month ago I was very sick and my person had to take me to the
vet's.  (All my poopie was liquid and I was sooooo sleepy and wasn't
hungry.) The vet figured out what was wrong and gave me some medicine and
now I'm all better.  BUT before he figured out what was wrong he had to
draw some of my blood and test it.  He didn't want to hurt me while he was
drawing the blood and he didn't want to have to poke me with a needle over
and over again .... so he ... SHAVED off some of my beautiful neck fur.  He
said it made it easier to see the veins in my neck.  I didn't like this at
all ..... and my person, the vet tech, the vet and I all cried while he was
drawing the blood ... but it was over real quick and they gave me lots of
Ferretone for being so BRAVE.
Now that its all over - and I'm feeling spunky again .... I'm wondering how
long its going to take for my fur to grow back?  Normally I am the world's
most handsome ferret .... but this bald patch on my neck is detracting from
my good looks.  (It also makes it easier for that big, old Rocky - the new
ferret that moved into our house - to grab me by the neck when we are
wrestling.) Instead of just having my beautiful creamy, white bib...I now
look like I have a bib that wraps around my neck.  (Thank heaven my silver
mitts are still intact.) The person is also worried 'cause its Fall and its
time for me to start shedding.
So if anyone knows how long it should take for my hair to start growing
back - I'd sure appreciate it if you'd tell me.  The person also wants to
know if there is anything special she should do to help me grow hair ....
but if it involves taking pills or smearing yeucky stuff on me ... PLEASE
don't tell her.  I've been through enough torture this month with all the
flagyl, ammocicillin, pepto and nutrical she forced me to eat.  She reads
the FLM every day and you folks are always teaching her how to do nasty
stuff like clean my ears and clip my ears and force me to take pills.
Thanks in advance.
Fuzzy kisses to everyone who has lost their furry companions.
Dook dook dook.
Love Epstein Barr Ridge - [log in to unmask]
(and his person Cynthia - [log in to unmask])
[Posted in FML issue 2440]