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Sun, 20 Sep 1998 21:01:49 -0400
Melissa Sutton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Happy Monday, Fellow Dookers!
Dis is da Dodge' back adain to telled yous dat my heinee is perfek!!
Lotsa nice peoples wroted to my momma on da puter to telled her dat if she
useded some hemorrhoid cream dat had shark's liver oil inded it, dat it
would make my heinee all betters.  Dey said dat Prep'ration H duddn't have
nuna' dat oil in it so it won't workeded so good.  "FANK YOU, NICE
HOOMANS!!!" ^v^
I dunno caused we useded dat Panolog stuff from da book-readin' vet but you
can bet dat I will 'member dat jus in case momma fergets!!
Diddn't nobody say what maybe causeded it, but momma finally useded her
silly hooman head and looked at da Ferret Central web site.  It telleded
her dat maybes I haded diarrhea or constipation dat causeded me to git dat
fingie on my heinee.
I fink dat eatin' dat little hooman's rubber bouncy-ball maybe had
sumpfin to do wif it but, just tween you n' me fellow fuzzies, if'n I
sees it again, I'S G O N N A  C H E W S  O N  I T  S O M E  M O R E!!!!!
HEY - dose ChewEasel fingies gotted here an me an' da girls was a'mose
FIGHTIN over dems!!  We love 'em 'cause dey feel n' tayse like we ain'
'possa hab dem!!  Dey chewey an dey tayse yummy for our tummies!!!  Momma
gibbeded dem to us and we runned off and hided dem in our 'pecial
hidey-holes.  DEN we comed right back to momma and crawleded all over her
ta see if she gotted any mores dat she wood gibbeded us!!  Sumtimes we can
be sneeky like dat an' momma finks dat we eateded our goodies wen really we
just hideded dem for later!!
Well, dookers... 'gotta go dance wif da' girls!  I fink I's gonna try to
drag Dex & MoJo 'round to see if maybe dey will stayed in a hidey-hole
for wen I wants to plays wif dem later...
Dooks & fuzzy kissies & lovies & good fuzzy vibes to all dose silly
hoomans out dair!!
Dodger  >^v^<-,----------,''''''''
[Posted in FML issue 2438]