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Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:37:41 -0700
Lise O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
My little Dante underwent some physical trama last night due to an accident.
He seems to be doing fine today (myschevious like a PI, eating like a pig,
drinking like a sailor and pooping like a...<your call>), but still, I
cannot stand to be away from him for very long.  So, I took him with me on
a trip across town.
First we had to stop and get gas.  Guess what the gas attendant told me?
Ferrets are not popular pets.  I nearly colapsed in laughter and Dante just
gave him the "huh?" look.  When I tried to convince him otherwise, he
smiled that nice smile (i.e. "right lady") and told me he prefered snakes.
I almost told him ferrets eat snakes (oh, okay, maybe except hungry Boas),
but instead I said, "snakes are cool" (I think I saw Dante lick his lips
and look around for that snake).
Little he know.
Lise and the six babies (including a snoozing Dante who is laping all the
treats I put in his face)
[Posted in FML issue 2433]