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Sat, 5 Sep 1998 08:58:32 -0500
Millie Sanders <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
After writing my request for help, and thank you kindly for all who
responded, even had a new suggestion I really liked = Spic & Span, but
I learned a few extra things in the meantime.
I will name the little girl "Joy" as it really does fit her.  But the boy
is going to remain Dizzy, Jr.  It seems his daddy and relatives came over
from England with the names of the ambassadors and people of position (he
has an Uncle named Winston Churchhill, an Aunt named Queen Elizabeth -
Lizzy for short - and his father was Benjamin Disraile - Dizzy for short.)
Not only that, learned Bill & Diane sat up 2 weeks with his daddy trying to
nurse him through a virus and lost him anyway.  Humpf!!  with a background
like that, no way he could carry a silly or cutesy name.  So Dizzy, Jr.  it
remains, there's not enough money in the world this old sentimental fool
would take to mess with it.
Now, if I can get my grandchild and all her buddies from talking
"England" !!!
Millie    her cleaning crew & 1 noble
Easy Off:  the most perfect ferret in the whole wide world
Ammonia:  Hey GRANDMA, gotta another dumb silver mitt joke for ya.
Cascade:  the Observer, okay, she is picking up the doll, she is
puckering up, this button makes it squirm, which makes it spit? ohohoh
Ajax:  yet to come, Hey Ms Patty, lets drop into dairy queen? Walmarts?
the mall? the Mexican border?  Canada even?????
Dizzy:  Okay, I'm here, I've arrived.  I'm now the main nut, the top
bumblebeed the head cheese....etc etc etc.
Joy:  WHO?     WHAT?       WHERE?        what's going on
[Posted in FML issue 2423]