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Sun, 23 Aug 1998 12:45:11 -0400
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hey!  I didn't know that Tatoo had a ferret!  What a great thing to find
out!  Movie stars having ferrets...what a wonder concept!  Wait...he's not
here anymore...must have gotten about 'da plane!  'da plane!  OK...tatoos.
I guess you are talking about those big, sprawling things like spider webs,
dragons and such.  Well, only *one* of my fuzzies has one of those full-body
tatoos.  He likes to hang out in bars and show it off to the girls.  It's a
life-sized tatoo of a ferret and when he flexes, it starts to war dance.
He thinks he's funny when he does that.
Now, the other fuzzies that have tatoos only went in for the small,
less-than-obvious pictures, like roses, cars, portraits of raisins and silly
things like that.  One has a tatoo of the word MOM on his left shoulder, but
that is the only word tatoo in the bunch.  All of these other ferrets won't
show you their tatoo unless you are a good friend and they know you won't
make fun of them.  Obviously, the one with the word MOM on his shoulder
doesn't care if you see it.
The thing I've never been able to figure out though...where did they get the
money for those tatoos?  Those things are expensive!  Wait...let me check
something...that was it!  They got into the cookie jar and swiped that cash
I was saving up for some indoor aluminum siding!  Those little fuzz buckets!
Wait 'til they go to sleep.  I'll get some water and wash off every one of
those lick-n-stick tatoos, even if it takes me all night!
NOTICE: The above was meant as satire and was posted for the amusement of
the readers of this list.  No comparisons should be made between the actors
in this story and anything, whether it be living, dead, or imaginary.
Please open windows before swallowing this product.  Two rights don't make
a left.  Speed limit is greatly reduced while driving in reverse.  Moving
the earth to avoid an asteroid is NOT an option!  Reducing cholesterol may
actually anger the cholesterol...proceed with caution.  Send me money and
I'll appreciate it.  Send my *ferrets* money and I'll never forgive you!
Todd and the (don't read it...it will only upset your stomach!) Fuzzbutt
Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2410]