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Sun, 9 Aug 1998 15:33:58 PDT
Michelle Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Well I finally got the new siberian huskies used to being outdoors for at
least part of the day, so the sock brigade is back on their usual beat
again.  And boy what a day we had the other day!  My sister, who is spending
the summer with us, got a crash course in "save your food from the ferret".
She decided to plop down in front of the tv with her chicken.  Shandy (who
is a total pig and will eat anything including doritos) grabbed a fried
chicken strip and proceeded to haul it under the chair.  She was glad
however, to exchange this with a french frie.  Then Shandy, the little theif
that she is, grabbed my husband cigarettes (why do ferrets love cigarette
packages?) under the chair as well.  There is nothing funnier that seeing a
tiny little jill run off with a pack of camels, hide it, and then run back
for the cigs that fell out of the pack!  Maybe she is telling daddy to quit?
Then Hugo acomplished something he has never done before...he got inside the
couch!  All of our furniture sits on the floor except for one old vinyl
chair.  So we had no idea how he did it, but sure enough he was inside the
couch.  We had the thing pulled out, and all the cushions off trying to get
him out.  Come to find out, he had slipped under a cushion, pushed down the
bottom part and slipped inside, to retrieve, of all things, his jingle ball!
We had the couch pushed over on its back, with my sister leaning over it,
with her feet off the floor, with her arm, all the way up to the elbow in
the couch trying to coaxe him out.  He thought this was terribly funny, and
would run up and nudge her hand, give a lick and then romp to the other end
inside couch.  All the time I am behind her leaning over her, supervising
while the other two ferrets are dancing around on the floor, probably
laughing at us.  We finally got Hugo out...and we stuffed old towels in the
crack so he wouldn't squeeze back in again...yeah right.  Aren't they cute?
[Posted in FML issue 2396]