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Sat, 8 Aug 1998 20:42:52 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
This is a very serious question and I must remain anonymous.
As of 1997 according to the FFZ listing done by Katie Fritz, ferrets were
not technically illegal in New York City, but they could be confiscated and
Katie wrote that there was "an administrative ruling by public health
authorities prohibits ferrets...they are currently being sued about this."
Was a ruling on this issue ever made?  Has a law been passed?  Can they
really take ferrets away?
Due to the recent publicity to "save the pets in the Time Square area" I
have been getting too much attention from my landlord (if you understand
correctly).  I need to know my "family's rights." I have 4 jills to protect.
My life would end if I lost them.  Please give me some guideance on this
issue if you can.
Please do not post any info about me whatsoever.  I really, sincerely
appreciate your help.  FML is great!
[Moderator's note: As ususal, if you need to respond directly to FT, I will
forward your notes for a short time.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2395]