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Fri, 31 Jul 1998 16:29:05 -0700
Alicia Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Hello Mini- and FML readers
mini stated:
>I would like to comment on Alicaia's comment about minimum age of a Ferret
>kits being sold.
>>From:    Alicia Drakiotes <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Re: USDA regulations
>>I would like to see the eight week limitation extended to ferrets as well--
>>giving them equal restrictions, or coverage with cats and dogs at least
>>pertaining to age of sale.
>First of all, I do know what I am talking about.  I have raised many
>litters over the last 15 yrs.  If and when you have a small litter (1-5) 8
>weeks for most part will be ok to wean the kits.  However, if you have a
>litter of 6-11 kits, 8 weeks is not old enough, as the kits will be smaller
>and still nurse very frequently, and you will have several runts in the
>litter.  To take these kits away from mom would not be a good idea at all.
With all due respect-- I think Mini missed the point of discussion for the
most part.  It, the discussion I replied to applied to USDA requirements for
pet store sales of animals.  Unless you are a large breeder and fall under
USDA-- you are not the topic of conversation.  I applaud your experience and
comments as a ferret breeder -- BUT-- The point was and I don't know many
experienced ferret folks who disagree--
Ferrets sold in the PETSTORES at 6 weeks (and there are reports that they
are not always even 6 weeks upon arrival and sale) IS just not old enough.
The USDA requirements for cats and dogs -- puppies and kittens that is, is
that they MUST be 8 weeks of age to be sold in the petshop-- I was merely
stating that eight weeks would be nice for ferrets too-seeinh how they are
also a domestic pet-- equal treatment would be nice - rather than the
current 6 week of age requirement.  Of course I am somewhat certain this is
allowed because these animals are already neutered at this age, where most
cats and dogs are at LEAST 12 weeks of age prior to neuter.
In the big (not to be confused with Mr. BIG) picture the late alter ferret
who is able to be with it's dam and socialized to age 8-11 weeks is going to
be the far better pet ferret-- have more of an example in litterbox training
etc.  BUT LETS FACE IT-- most folks don't find their first ferret that way.
It is WONDERFUL to have the breeder resources for those who find out a few
years later there is an option.
NO shots taken at you -- by any means-- I was not saying all kits should be
sold at petstores, nor that all kits should be sold at 8 weeks..  I FEEL IT
IS PREFERABLE to the current 6 week kit though.
Just to clarify my statement...
Fondly in ferrets--
[Posted in FML issue 2387]