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Print Reply
Sat, 25 Jul 1998 01:59:16 PDT
Carrie Moore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
There has been a lot of controversy about whether or not Marshall Farms
is an evil, neutral, or good entity.  Well, define any of those terms.
Whether we ferret lovers like it or not, Marshall Farms is a BUSINESS.
This doesn't mean that ferrets shouldn't be taken care of, but
unfortunately for some, it does mean that certain shortcuts may be taken.
It is probably more profitable for MF to spay/neuter and descent each
ferret, not to mention making it easier to sell the kits and much easier
for the new ferret owner who may not know enough to spay/neuter a whole
kit, which, as we all know, can lead to unnecessary fatalities.
Now, I am a relatively new fml-er, but I have enjoyed this list beyond
belief.  Unfortunately, I cringe at some of the painfully coarse things
people post to each other.  We are here primarily because of our loved ones,
our fuzzies, not to slander each other.  There is a difference between
SLANDER and letting one's feelings known, or even airing a few grievances.
Daily I weed through the jabs and wonder if I'm reading a list managed and
subscribed to by loving and curious ferret owners/breeders, or presidential
candidates.  The mud-slinging is out of hand.  Debate is fine, but know that
it always reflects well on a person if he/she/it is rational and knows their
facts.  (I hope this includes me...)
Please keep our community friendly...if you have personal grievances, do
they really need to be aired publicly?
By the by, I am the ultra-proud owner of two MF ferrets.  I don't care about
the politics much when I can stare into my beautiful fuzz faces and have
them kiss me.  Isn't that what's important anyway?
Thank you for listening!  And thank you BIG for managing this list--it
must cause some serious headaches sometimes!!  (like when new ferret
owners-me-continue to post...and post...and post...usually questions that
have probably been heard time and time again!!!!  Thank you!)
Carrie, Rick, Loki (Is THAT what these tattoos mean?  I thought I was just
really cool!), and Balder (I'm neutered?????)
[Moderator's note: Carrie, interesting you bring up the Marshall Farms
topic -- that pops up frequently and those debates have a way of really
blowing up.  I tend to err on the permissive side when allowing posts,
but the real flames and name-calling -- rare as they are -- do get screened
out, and the posters are always told why and given a chance to repost.
Anyhow, we really are here because we care for ferrets.  In spite of our
sometimes strange ways of showing it, we're all on the same side.
Welcome to the FML.  I hope you enjoy your stay here :-)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2381]