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Sat, 25 Jul 1998 10:23:28 -0700
Glenn Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
>What is a pet store doing with whole ferrets?  Isn't that against USDA
>regulations?  I was told by my USDA rep that all ferrets in pet stores have
>to be spayed/neutered & descented.  Did he not know what he was talking
>about?  If he is right, can't this store (& possibly the breeder) get fined
>- even if not USDA licensed?  What about at state levels?
At this very moment, the USDA is proposing rule changes to the Animal
Welfare Act that will allow "hobby" breeders to have up to 60 ( that's
right, SIXTY) breeding females and stay exempt from licensing and
inspections.  What this does, other than open the door for every scumbag in
this country to start his own backyard puppy mill, is beyond me.  The rule
changes refer to dogs and cats, but does not specifically include or exclude
other animals....such as ferrets.  Look for yourself.  See your bloated
bureaucrats at work protecting animals.
This page is poorly constructed and unless you view at 800x600, you'll have
to do some edge pulling to find scroll bars....but it's all there!
And while we're speaking of ugly crap:
>I'll ass-u-me that Mr. Lipinski is a nice person and truly wants to do the
>right thing for ferrets.... Adolph wasn't a bad fellow either.... He was
>another who believed the ends justify the means. [ugliest stuff snipped
>here.  BIG]
Ed's problem may well be that much of what he says flys by too fast and too
high for low flying heads....but that shouldn't make him the victim of the
most vicious, sleazy character assination I've ever seen on this forum.  I'm
amazed that such a hysterical pack of garbage was even allowed.
Glenn J.
[Moderator's note: I got a few notes about allowing the post, some of
which are in this FML.  John Gordon, the author of that controversial
post, has also been in touch.  Like Ed, he seems to be a nice guy too,
and is definitely a ferret lover like the rest of us.
John does feel that perhaps his post went overboard (yes, he allowed me
to comment on his comments) and is sorry if it was offensive.  We'll all
try harder next time.
The bottom line, which seems to be the theme in today's FML: He does feel
that all of us (including Ed) are on the same side.  I guess having deep
feelings about ferrets also means we state our opinions forcefully too,
since they mean so much to us.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2381]