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Wed, 15 Jul 1998 15:34:17 -0400
"Mason T. Weinrich" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Hi friends...
Two purposes to this message - an update on Slinky, and a note on the FML
I posted about 6 weeks ago that Slinky had been diagnosed with lymphoma.
Slinky is my first ferret, and his story was in Modern Ferret # 16.  He is
the most special pet I have ever had, and losing him is hurting so much I
can't even start to describe it.  He has been on prednisone and a few
herbals and, while he perked up for a while, I think I can see the start of
the end coming soon.  His back legs are getting weaker, he is starting to
struggle to get all the way up a stair case, and he is getting a bit more
lethargic.  While I hope for more time, I realistically think his time is
pretty limited.
But this has also caused me to reflect on many things, and I wanted to
thank all of you on the FML and the Massachsetts Ferret Friends at this
point.  As my first ferret, I was often clueless, and often looked to this
list for help.  It was always there.  Right from the start, any question I
had was answered (sometimes in multiply diamterically opposed opinions, but
always answered), often by the leading folks in the field.  This is such an
incredible support group, and folks are so giving of their time.  Often
these things just fly by, but I wanted to take the time to thank you all.
I'll keep folks informed, and the longer you don't hear from me, the better
the news.  Pogo (my 2nd ferret) and I have already picked out a new ferret
from Luv of Ferrets shelter, which Jo Fowler is taking care of for us while
we tend to Slinky.  I know Pogo will be happy to have a new more active
companion - Slinky's illness has been hard on him.  But Slink still is there
for his treats, and still chews on his bottle caps throughout the day, so I
know there is still some life in him yet.
Thanks everyone -
Mason, Slinky, Pogo, and Leila the Cat.
[Posted in FML issue 2371]