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Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:53:25 +0000
"Rachel M. Bray" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello, fellow fuzzbutt lovers!  I've got some questions for you all (or
"y'all" as we Southern Ohio folk like to say).
I have yet to become a ferret-owned human.  My little one is still a bit
too young to leave Mommy.  But I will hopefully have her in the next couple
of weeks.  I've never owned a ferret but they've always been intriguing so
I thought it was about time to try them out...or let them try me out, I
I've been receiving this mailing for about two weeks now and I'm starting
to panic.  ECE, cancer, spleen problems.....argh!  How common are these
diseases?  I'm getting really nervous now.  I keep reading these postings
about these sickly little guys and my heart hurts.  Are all these diseases
hit or miss or, eventually, does every ferret get one?  How expensive is it
to have a vet treat these problems?  Is it really hard to litter train them
so "presents" aren't left here and there?
Should I be as nervous as I am?!?!?!  Are we talking about roughly the same
responsibility as owning a cat or dog?  I've owned hamsters, goldfish,
gerbils, dogs and cats and several rats.  Is this going to be just about the
same or am I walking into The Undiscovered Country (and, no, I don't mean
death)?  Ferret proofing my home won't be a big problem, and falling in love
with her has already happened...so, please tell me there are more healthy
ferrets out there than sicky.
Does anyone have any stories about owning a ferret that was healthy 80% of
the time?  I'd love to hear them.
Also, as a first time owner....does anyone have any tips?  Anything that was
not printed in a book that first time owners should know?
Please feel free to e-mail me at my work address:  [log in to unmask]
Thank you in advance for calming my nerves.......
Rachel and my soon to be Farret Fawcett or Marmet (I haven't made up my
Rachel Bray
The Ohio State University
Treasurer's Office
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[Posted in FML issue 2336]