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Fri, 15 May 1998 07:27:58 -0600
Beth Stoker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Ok, I can see Melissa's point.  Yes, those people that are in a situation
where a better home for a ferret is needed knew when they bought all these
things that it was non refundable.  However...
I have known some people who needed to place their ferret in a loving home
and felt that if they asked for a price only the people serious about fuzzy
love would take them up on it.  I have also known people who needed to place
their ferrets in a new home for one public reason and many private issues.
These people asked for some money for perfectly good supplies so that they
could get some desperately needed money.
If it was any other item that they bought and decided they didn't want they
could sell it at a garage sale for the right person.  But what better place
to have a garage sale than on the FML?  I place where you know this
equipment has value.  Now, I know with my ferrets when I got a new cage the
one that I had at the time wasn't overly thankful.  In fact she seemed a
little annoyed with me for changing her routine.  So why not sell the cage
to the person that adopts your ferret?  The ferret will be in a new home
and may do the transition a little bit easier with something familiar.
I'm not saying that I don't think Melissa's opinion isn't valid.  In fact
most of the time I agree with it.  I'm just saying that not every one's
motives are the same so you have to look at each situation as unique.
Beth, Minerva & Frumpstiggle the marsh wiggle
in Denver, Colorado
[Posted in FML issue 2309]