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Tara Menne <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 09:43:41 -0600
text/plain (36 lines)
A plea to all of you ferret lovers who've dealt with lympho...
I'm the slave of a BEW named Samantha, probably 7 years old, who I went
through a possible adrenal scare with last Dec, but never developed past a
thin tail coat.  Well, we went to the vet for what looked like a cyst, and
he found a 2nd lump.  I had both removed and sent to pathology...
The pathology report came back that a cyst is a cyst, but the other mass is
_lymphyosarcoma_ - no questions 'bout it.
I've read the FAQ's, I've been to Timmy's site, and now I'd like to know
*YOUR EXPERIENCES* with this.  If not for the doc finding the 2nd mass, I'd
have never guessed - she's acting perfectly healthy.  Please let me know
what treatments you tried, if it went into remission, how the little ones
took it, costs, length of chemo treatment, anything!!
I/We are going in Tuesday afternoon to decide on a protocol and start meds -
he's advocating an aggressive treatment which seems to have to have the
best chance of helping her out, and we're going to use herbal supplements
or Timmy's Tonic too.  I'm worried sick myself, and my main concern is the
quality of her life.
Please, if you've dealt with this at all, write me and let me know what your
experience was like.  I know it's difficult, but it could add alot to this
little lady's life.  And it would definitely help me to deal!
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance.  Your help and caring mean the
world to me and to Sami.
Tara Marie Menne
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[Posted in FML issue 2369]